What is Aircraft Fire Extinguisher Agent?

Halon gas is the aviation fire extinguisher agent leader , used for suppression fire in many aircraft components such as the engines, APU...


Why we always see windsocks at the airports and many other places ?! what is the function of the windsock ?...

Iterative Management Method "PDCA"

PDCA is an iterative four-step management method used in business for the control and continual improvement of processes and products.It is also known as ...

What went wrong with Boeing's 737 Max?

what happened to The 737 MAX ? how long the fastest-selling airplane in Boeing history with about 5,000 orders will grounded ?

How Airplane Flies?

how airplane flies?What are the forces affect airplane during flight?Simply, what is the secret makes the airplane fly?

Top 5 Free Aviation magazines

Nowadays online magazines are even more popular and often better news sources. Good online Aviation magazines provide more timely industry information than printed magazines and enable the readers to

What is the Aircraft Technical Records ?

Please at any circumstances don’t underestimate the importance of the technical records, without documentary evidence supporting the airworthiness status of the aircraft simply it would not be allowed

After more than 13 years, families still looking for answers about N120HS plane crash

The parents of these students are searching for answers that caused this plane crash. For five families this year marks the 13th holiday season without loved ones after a tragic 2006 airplane crash wi

Differences between internal and external hydraulic leaks

in this article, we clarify the difference between external and internal hydraulic leaks

A330 cargo aircraft main deck cargo compartment fire suppression system

A330 cargo aircraft available in two different shapes either: A330-200F was originally manufactured by airbus as cargo aircraft starting from January 2010. or available as A330 passenger to freight