Difference between Engine and the tailpipe fire

brief about the two types of fire that may affect the aircraft turbofan engines, for pilots and engineers, Engine fire is an external one, also called...

How to be commercial pilot ?

Is The Commercial Pilot Mean an Airlines Pilot ?What is The Road to be a Commercial Pilot ?What Are The Requirements? How Get an Aviation Medical Certificate?

Iterative Management Method "PDCA"

PDCA is an iterative four-step management method used in business for the control and continual improvement of processes and products.It is also known as ...

What are the differences between Airworthiness Directives and Service Bulletins?

What are the differences between Airworthiness Directives and Service Bulletins?what are the Types of Airworthiness Directives (ADs) and Service Bulletin SB

Aircraft Maintenance Program

what is the definition of aircraft maintenance program?What are expected to be inside the approved maintenance program?

What is the Aircraft Technical Records ?

Please at any circumstances don’t underestimate the importance of the technical records, without documentary evidence supporting the airworthiness status of the aircraft simply it would not be allowed

Airworthiness Directive AD

What is the Airworthiness Directives (ADs) definition? ,What are the AD types?,Who can issue Airworthiness Directives?

Differences between internal and external hydraulic leaks

in this article, we clarify the difference between external and internal hydraulic leaks

Tips For Surviving a Long Flight in 2020 during this COVID PENDIMIC

Commercial Air Travel has changed since the Corona virus Pandemic. Here are some pointers that may help you to prepare your next long-haul journey.

Augmented Reality for Aircraft Maintenance

Augmented Reality is the kind of technology that is providing solutions for many different companies. Many businesses have adopted this technology effectively in processes such as planning and product

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